Monday, January 12, 2009

Good times and bad, in Open RvR.

I've been doing a lot of PvE grinding recently, doing quests, PQs and accruing Influence for chapter Influence rewards. I have fallen behind on my RvR though, and my renown rank is falling behind my natural rank. So after reading on our forums that some of my guildies were going to be concentrating more on ORvR and maybe picking up some ORvR Influence rewards, I decided to do the same. Now, I don't have that much experience in Open RvR, I did a couple of keep assaults, some incidental skirmishes, but this was all some time ago. Before the RvR influence system and the stability improvements to the servers. Since then, I had been concentrating more on leveling and PvE, with some scenarios thrown in.

I logged in, asked if there were any RvR groups going and one of my guildies said that she was running with a warband out the the Empire vs Chaos Tier 3 pairing. I said I'd be joining her, and flew my Black Orc  out to Talabecland. Now the warband she was in was currently full, but I told her that I would just tag along and hope for an invite in the event someone had to leave. We proceeded to take BO's and keeps, almost completely locking Tier 3 within an hour. There was very little resistance from Order, perhaps small fights here and there. When we had almost taken all the keeps and objectives, the warband got word that Order had retaken Ghrond's Sacristy. We fly back to the Elf pairing and begin the siege.

The initial push went smoothly and we got through the first 2 doors, and got ready on the bottom floor. Order was harrying our flanks the whole time, but most of them holed up in the lord's room and jumped us when we pushed up the ramp. We were doing okay, but it was wearing us down. The warband broke, and many of us died and had to release. But as we were running back it turned out that we had a healer survive, and he rezzed half the  warband back into the bottom room. We continued the push, picking off the rest of the Order who had survived our initial attack. We went from a near-wipe to taking the keep and locking the pairing for our side. I even got a cool belt!

A few days later...I'm questing in the Elf pairing when I hear the call over the alliance chat that Order is close to locking the pairing. I ride to join the attack at Ghrond's, which we are trying to take to stall the zone flipping. However, this assault is less well-coordinated and the BO's are still held by Order. We break both doors down, and begin the push into the lord's room. However, Order's resistance is stiff and they have a good number of tanks and healer holed up with the lord. Our assault stalls in the lord room, the defenders just burn us down. We semi-wipe twice, regroup, and get beaten back. Our warband leader decides to cut our losses, and I leave the warband after rezzing back at the warcamp. Well, that was a wash. 

What was different this time? It's really hard to tell. It seemed that the defense had a better number of tanks and healers, and this time we didn't seem as coordinated. The BO's were not taken, and thus guard respawn was a lot quicker. But you know, it could have been anything. It was still fairly fun, and I'll be doing it again soon. I was surprised at how quickly the RvR influence accrued, and I'll be trying to get some more sieges under my belt. I look forward to earning my RvR epics soon!

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